Impressions Water Softener
Effectively used to:
- Remove hardness or unwanted minerals
- Soften household water using minimal salt and water
The Impressions Series® softeners bring household water to a new level of quality with the convenience of advanced controls and proven system performance. Microprocessor-based controls and LCD displays simplify system programming and operation. The Impression Series does the rest. Laundry soaps and shampoos clean better than ever. Best of all, your Impressions Series water softener will minimize salt and water usage.
- Solid-state microprocessor with push button simplicity on front panel
- Stores system configuration and operating data-even in the event of a power outage
- Selectable regeneration cycle sequence-up to 9 cycles
- Fully adjustable regeneration cycle times
- Modular design is extremely easy to service-no screws or bolts

The unique microprocessor-based control head monitors system performance, water consumption and more...
- Days since last regeneration
- Gallons since last regeneration
- Reserve based on water usage over last 21 days
- Water flow rates
- Peak flow over last seven days
- Total days since start up
- Total gallons used since start up
- Program cycle times
- Program sequence of cycles
If the power fails, you only need to reset the clock. All the settings and historical data will remain unchanged.